Portland Real Estate: Listing Detail Tools

Use www.ClaireWidmark.com to find your next home

HomeQuest has put together several tools to help you search for and find your next home.B One is our updated listing data pane. To get there, go to my website and click on the PortlandB Real Estate tab on the far left. Scroll down through the sections of town and the neighborhoods will auto populate to the right. (Vancouver build-out is just begining–thank you for your patience)
If you want to find homes for sale in Alameda, you’ll scroll down to NE Portland, and click the Alameda pop out. From there, depending on the area, there will be a blog post with info tabs for each area if relevant.B Scroll down to or click on Homes for Sale and choose a listing that catches your eye. Here’s what it will look like:

Search for Listings

Some neighborhoods have more diversity in home styles i.e. more bank owned homes or condos. For homes for sale in Bethany, that page has more info tabs.

Neighborhood Info Tabs

Both page styles will have active listings of homes for sale. Double click on a home that catches your eye, and the listing detail will pop up. From here you may save this listing to your favorites file, you may request a showing or forward to a friend.

Listing Detail

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